In this episode of AllThingsXR podcast, we talk with Blair MacIntyre about WebXR and the implementation of AR/VR on the web.

Blair MacIntyre is Principal Research Scientist at Mozilla, and a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  At Mozilla, he leads Augmented Reality research in the Emerging Technologies team.  At Georgia Tech, he directs the Augmented Environments Lab, whose research focuses on the design and implementation of interactive mixed-reality and augmented-reality environments.  His research is focused on creating programming and design tools for AR, and understanding the potential of AR as a new medium for games, entertainment, education and work.  He has also investigated military and industrial uses of AR, interaction and design issues, and the use of AR for collaboration and communication. He has been doing research in augmented reality since 1991, is actively involved with numerous conferences and workshops, speaks and consults regularly, and has published over 100 academic papers in the field.

A major focus of his work for the past 10 years has been the interaction of XR and the web.  Starting with the first version of Argon in 2010, he’s led the development of half a dozen AR-enabled web browsers, and helped develop standards and frameworks for AR, VR and MR experiences on the web.  He’s particularly interested in how the web will remain open, accessible and healthy as we move into a future where less and less of what we do involves rectangular screens and keyboards.

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